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Two days devoted to miners’ safety

2 days, 6 thematic sessions, 39 papers prepared by 83 authors from, among others, United Kingdom and Spain. Over 2,600 viewers of the event on a YouTube channel. That is, in a nutshell, a summary of one of the most important events in the mining community – the 27th International Scientific and Technical Conference – Mining Hazards, held on-line on 16-17 December.

photo: Dawid Lach

Over the two days of the Conference, mine workers, scientists, experts and representatives of mining authorities, coal companies and businesses associated with mining and occupational safety in the mining industry presented the latest solutions pertaining to combating hazards occurring in mines. In addition to well known hazards, this year, a new hazard appeared – epidemiological threat associated with the SARS-CoV-2 virus. And this is the threat to which the first day of the Conference was devoted. Representatives of all mining companies presented their experience, sharing their achievements and adopted procedures aimed at ensuring safe working conditions and preventing the spread of Covid-19 in mines in the future.

The second day of the Conference was devoted to the natural hazards which we have known for years – aerological, rock burst and radiological hazards. Among the most interesting papers were those devoted to the use of artificial intelligence algorithms for assessment of rock burst hazard and application of IT technologies in analyzing data on the supporting strength of sections in JSW’s mines. However, the conference was dominated by the coronavirus threat.

– We have to remember that the SARS-CoV-2 virus is still dangerous. It is because of this new hazard that today we were forced meet remotely, on the screens of our computers and smartphones. The hazard is not gone and all mining companies are aware of that. The conference has shown that we can manage different hazards that occur in Polish mining, including the coronavirus - said professor Stanisław Prusek, Director of the Central Mining Institute, wrapping up the Conference. 

– With this conference we have proven that do not give up and that we are able to find ideas on how to manage something that seems unmanageable, summarized the mining industry’s fight with the coronavirus Artur Dyczko, Vice-President of the JSW Management Board for Technical and Operational Matters. – The conference is a very important event for our industry. It stimulates interesting discussions and shows the directions of changes. Thanks to that, we manage the hazards that affect the Polish mining. Even completely new hazards, like the coronavirus - added Artur Dyczko. 

The 27th International Scientific and Technical Conference – Natural Mining Hazards was hosted by Jastrzębska Spółka Węglowa. The event has been organized jointly with the Central Mining Institute, JSW Szkolenie i Górnictwo, Association of Engineers and Mining Technicians, the Katowice Branch of the PAN Mining Commission and JSW ITSystems.

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