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Jastrzębska Spółka Węglowa and Lubelski Węgiel Bogdanka sign a letter of intent

The letter of intent paves the way for closer cooperation in the area of production process optimization. The two companies have pledged to exchange experience and information to improve the quality of business management and increase operational efficiency. The agreement was concluded at the headquarters of LW Bogdanka this past Saturday, 30 November.

photos: LWB / Marcin Kujawiak

The cooperation agreement provides for, among other things, the development of new technologies, joint work on innovations in machinery and equipment operation planning, and analysis of potential synergies in investments.

“The signed document paves the way for further work to develop joint solutions to increase innovation and productivity in our companies. LW Bogdanka has significant experience in excavating high-performance working faces designed on the basis of geomechanical models, going deeper and deeper with mining in areas where there are a number of “legacies”. By working together, we want to better respond to the challenges we face," said Adam Rozmus, Vice-President of the JSW SA Management Board for Technical and Operational Matters. “I am convinced that the cooperation initiated today will result in concrete solutions that will benefit both parties," the Vice-President added.

“The signing of the letter of intent is an important step toward integrating the knowledge and experience of two key players in the Polish mining industry. We believe that the cooperation will allow us to effectively implement innovative technological and organizational solutions that will increase the efficiency of our processes, but also contribute to improving occupational safety. Moreover, by drawing on JSW's experience in the area of risks not present at our mine, we will be better able to prepare for potential challenges. We are convinced that the exchange of experience and joint initiatives will bring tangible benefits to our companies," said Bartosz Rożnawski, Vice-President of the Management Board for Production at LW Bogdanka SA.

The signing of the document underscores the willingness of both sides to work together in a spirit of mutual trust and partnership, which is crucial in view of the challenges facing the mining sector in Poland.

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