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JSW with the main award for “The Best Annual Report” 2023

For the first time ever, Jastrzębska Spółka Węglowa took first place in the annual contest organized by the Institute of Accountancy and Taxes for the best annual report. The awards were presented at the Final Gala in the WSE Trading Room.

In addition, JSW received a special award for the second year in a row for the best compensation report in the "Enterprises" group. The Company also received an honorable mention for the best activity report in the "Enterprises" group.

As many as three awards in this contest confirm the high standards applied by JSW in reporting and the transparency of the reports prepared, compliance with legal requirements and best practices.

Jastrzębska Spółka Węglowa has been awarded many times in previous editions. Among other awards, for 2022 it received a special award for the best compensation report and an honorable mention from the Rachunkowość monthly for its consistently high level of financial statements prepared in accordance with IFRS/IAS. 

"The Best Annual Report" is a contest for the best annual report in terms of value in use for shareholders and investors. The award is given to companies from the regulated market that prepare consolidated annual reports in accordance with IFRS/IAS, as well as to companies from the alternative market that report in accordance with IFRS/IAS or the Accounting Act. The contest is a non-commercial project serving the environment and creating good practices in financial reporting of public companies, which increases the safety of the capital market in Poland.

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