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The search operation at the Pniówek mine has ended

Rescue workers have found the last of the 7 miners missing in the April 2022 disaster. The victim was found in the N-6 longwall near the longwall shearer. The miner's body was transported to the surface and taken to the Department of Forensic Medicine in Katowice.


photo: Dawid Lach

To reach the missing miner, rescue workers had to break through to the N-6 longwall from the newly excavated N-6a cross-cut, secure the crossing, ventilate the working and remove longwall support elements.

The rescue workers worked in very difficult temperature conditions. The manager of the rescue operation, after consultations with the extended operation management team, decided to seal off the N-6 longwall due to the increase in the hazards in the longwall and in neighboring areas of the mine. After the rescue workers build a heavy foam stopping the rescue operation will be completed, and then the area will be sealed off with an explosion-proof stopping with passageways.

The rescue operation has so far involved 26 rescue teams, including 4 from the Central Mining Rescue Station (CSRG) in Bytom.

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