Water management of coal companies 31.05.2023 Mines constantly monitor the process of discharging mine water in accordance with the permits required by the law. Representatives of coal companies took part in a meeting on mine water management at the headquarters of the Polska Grupa Górnicza in Katowice. Education through play 29.05.2023 Chemistry workshops, molecular gastronomy, theater and many other attractions. Crowds enjoyed themselves at the JSW Knowledge Mine Science and Sports Picnic held last Sunday in Jastrzębie-Zdrój. We bring out the layers of knowledge, skills and competencies 29.05.2023 The conference organized in Katowice by JSW Szkolenie i Górnictwo was a success. Representatives of science and the business world interested in advances in mining and training met in one place. A good start to the year for JSW Group 22.05.2023 The JSW Group's net result in the first quarter of 2023 was PLN 1.27 billion, 0.8 percent higher than in the previous quarter. The Group's financial results continue to be strong. Great fun on the last Sunday of May 22.05.2023 Everyone will find something interesting for themselves at the great science and sports picnic of the JSW Knowledge Mine in Jastrzębie-Zdrój. However, this is not all that Jastrzębska Spółka Węglowa has prepared for its employees and residents. From coking coal to steel 18.05.2023 Jastrzębska Spółka Węglowa boasts its latest film production, which presents the Group and highlights its role in the green transition. JSW invest in rooad safety 17.05.2023 A safe and comfortable sidewalk, a bicycle path, and proper street lighting. Libowiec Street in Jastrzębie-Zdrój will be thoroughly modernized. All this is done to improve traffic safety. Internet broadcast of the results of the JSW Capital Group for the firs quarter of 2023 year 15.05.2023 The Management Board of Jastrzębska Spółka Węglowa S.A. has the pleasure of inviting you to watch the Internet broadcast of the financial results of the JSW Group for the first quarter of 2023 which will take place on May 23, 2023 (Tuesday) at 10:00 (CET) Run for New Life 15.05.2023 On 13 May, the 22nd edition of the Run for New Life, an event promoting organ transplantation, was held in Wisła. For many years, this important initiative has been supported by Jastrzębska Spółka Węglowa. JSW is spending millions on modern equipment for mine rescue workers 11.05.2023 The task of mine rescuers is to provide immediate help in the event of a threat to the life or health of people in the mine as well as the safety of the mine's operation. In order for them to carry out their tasks at the highest level, rescuers must constantly improve… Jastrzębski Węgiel is the champion of Poland. Congratulations! 11.05.2023 In the third match of the PlusLiga finals, Jastrzębski Węgiel impressively defeated the defending champion Grupa Azoty ZAKSA Kędzierzyn-Koźle and reached for its third-ever title as Polish champions after a two-year break. We remember. Anniversary of the disaster at the Zofiówka Section 05.05.2023 Today marks 5 years since the disaster at the Zofiówka Section. On 5 May 2018, there was a strong rock burst that took the lives of 5 miners. On the anniversary of the dramatic events, in the mine's pithead, a tribute was paid to the victims of the disaster. 1 Archive