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Anniversary of the Jastrzębie Agreement

44 years ago, one of the historic August Accords was signed - the Jastrzeb Agreement, which became a symbol of resistance against communist rule and the fight for workers' rights. Ceremonies commemorating those events were held today in front of the monument at the Zofiówka mine.

photo: Dawid Lach

Flowers were laid in front of the monument by, among others, representatives of the management board of Jastrzębska Spółka Węglowa, mine management, representatives of trade unions, participants in the 1980 strike, and signatories of the agreement.

Striking miners from the former Manifest Lipcowy (today's Zofiówka) mine supported the demands from Gdańsk and Szczecin, but also included their own postulates of great importance for improving working conditions in the mines. It was thanks to them that the miners won, among other things, free Saturdays and Sundays, the abolition of the four-shift work system in the mines, and a mechanism for raising wages in line with the rising cost of living. The principle of unconditional observance of voluntariness of work on public holidays was also adopted. This historic event changed the face of Poland forever, and its effects are still being felt today.

After 44 years, the monument to the Jastrzębie Agreement still reminds us of the strength of unity and determination that were paramount in the struggle for workers' freedom and dignity. Every year, on 3 September, Jastrzębie-Zdrój becomes a place of reflection and tribute to those who made their mark on Polish history with their struggle.


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