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JSW presents its integrated report for 2022

For the fifth time, Jastrzębska Spółka Węglowa, the leading producer of coking coal, is publishing its online integrated report for 2022. It provides a comprehensive analysis of the Company's achievements over the past year.


JSW has been publishing integrated reports since 2018 in response to the growing needs of the Group's stakeholders, who require detailed information beyond the traditional set of operational or financial indicators to fully understand the directions of JSW's development.

It is worth adding that in 2022 JSW won first place in "The Best Annual Report" competition organized by the Institute of Accountancy and Taxes in the 2021 integrated report category. This confirms the Company’s great contribution to the creation of value in use for shareholders and investors and the promotion of best practices in non-financial reporting in the area of sustainable development.

The 2022 integrated report will familiarize readers with the context of the Group's market environment, explaining the unique status of the Group’s core products, i.e. coking coal and coke, against the backdrop of the changes taking place in the economy in light of the energy transition and the pursuit of climate neutrality. Both financial and non-financial data were presented using interactive tools to facilitate analysis and allow references to indicators recorded in previous years.

Link to the report: www.jsw.pl/raportroczny-2022/en


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