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Preparations for mining are under way

In the Bzie-Dębina mine under development several additional crews were employed to speed up the preparation works and start the mining. The project’s progress was assessed by Adam Gawęda, secretary of state in the Ministry of Energy responsible for mining, who descended to level 1110 m in the Bzie-Dębina mine under development.

photo: Dawid Lach

- To take responsible decisions, you need to be underground and precisely analyze the progress of the preparation of the new deposit – said Adam Gawęda, Vice-Minister of Energy. He added: – We were analyzing maps, the project’s execution progress and completion timelines. I’m positively surprised that the work underground has really picked up the pace. According to plans, the first longwall will be launched by the end of 2022. It is very important to recreate this potential and to increase the mining output in the future while simultaneously maintaining the safety level.

The Bzie-Dębina mine under development has coking coal resources estimated at 180 million tons. Jastrzębska Spółka Węglowa intends to invest three billion zlotys in the mine by 2030.

Taking advantage of the visit in the Bzie-Dębina mine, Adam Gawęda also visited the Central Rescue Warehouse in the Zofiówka Section. The Vice-Minister was accompanied by, among others, Tomasz Śledź, JSW Vice-President of the Management Board for Technical Matters, and Marian Zmarzły, Director of the Bzie-Dębina mine under development. Please visit our photo gallery.


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