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The work of mine rescue workers in Covid hospitals included in the pension service time

– In March I came up with the initiative proposing that the work of our mine rescue workers and paramedics who have been helping in hospitals in connection with the COVID-19 pandemic should be treated on par with the days worked underground. The Sejm already has received a bill of an act which regulates this issue and our employees will not have to work extra to make up for these days – announced Barbara Piontek, President of the JSW S.A. Management Board.

In connection with the reported discrepancies associated with making up for the days worked in Silesian hospitals by JSW employees (rescue workers and paramedics) before retiring, I recommend a solution to the problem by adopting an act on the ministerial level which will clearly stipulate that the work of rescue workers and paramedics seconded to work in the hospital as part of the combat with the Covid-19 pandemic does not require performing extra work to make up for it” – wrote Ms. Piontek in the letter of 12 March 2021 to Jarosław Wieczorek, Silesian Voivode.

As a result, the provisions pertaining to the miners’ work in Covid hospitals were included in the bill of the act “on amending the act on special solutions associated with preventing, counteracting and combating COVID-19, other infectious diseases and crisis situations they precipitate and certain other acts”. Today, on 13 April 2021, the bill was handed over for the first reading in the Sejm. 

The bill was expanded to include, among others, a provision that “when determining the right to and the amount of the mining pension referred to in Article 50a or Article 50e of the Act of 17 December 1998 on Pensions and Disability Payments from the Social Security Fund, the periods for temporary secondment of employees performing the mining work referred to in Article 50c sec. 1 of this act who hold the qualifications of a rescue worker or paramedic, to work on combating the epidemic as part of supporting hospitals in connection with COVID-19, is treated on par with the work days worked underground, under the condition such work is performed during the secondment period”.

It is very important to us that the miners – rescue workers who bring help to the ill and the needy in the region during this difficult Covid time are noticed and appreciated.Therefore, performing extra work to make up for this service is out of the question. I’m happy that our initiative received positive opinions and is being implemented – emphasized Barbara Piontek. 

More: http://sejm.gov.pl/Sejm9.nsf/druk.xsp?nr=1075


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