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Underground drift connected Budryk with Knurów

The strategic investment that will keep the Budryk mine operating until 2077 has reached a key stage. The underground ventilation link between the Budryk mine and the Knurów Section has been completed.

The implementation of the investment linking the two mines is one of the elements of JSW's strategy to increase the efficiency of its mines. / photos by Dawid Lach

The investment is part of the implementation of the "Efficient Mine" program, which is the cornerstone of the Strategic Transformation Plan. "Efficient Mine" involves more than twenty initiatives, the implementation of which will bring an increase in the output of coking coal and reduce the cost of its mining. The initiatives under the "Efficient Mine" program address four areas, such as planning and execution of development works, planning and execution of mining works, planning of work time, and optimal use of assets.

“Completion of this task is an important step in implementing the Company's strategy until 2030 and the optimization and mining efficiency targets laid down in the Strategic Transformation Plan. The investment makes it possible to mine coal in new parts of the Budryk deposit and eliminates the need to build a new ventilation shaft in the western part of KWK Budryk,” says Ryszard Janta, President of the JSW Management Board. 

The implementation of the project linking the two mines is one of the elements of JSW's strategy to increase the efficiency of its mines. The underground connection posed great challenges for the design and engineering teams. 

“The drilling of mine workings between mines some 7 km apart posed a major challenge for mining surveyors as it required preparation of situational and altitude mapping of both mines from scratch in interlinked coordinate systems. The team accomplished this difficult task with precision, defining the point of connection with down-to- the-centimeter accuracy,” stressed Adam Rozmus, JSW’s Vice-President for Technical and Operational Matters.

The next stage of the project is the construction of a new fan station and the modernization of the Aniołki shaft. The project is an important part of the development of the two mines, opening up new opportunities and increasing mining efficiency.

“The modernization of the shaft and the construction of new ventilation infrastructure is an investment that will bring tangible benefits for years to come. The state-of-the-art fan station and rebuilt shaft infrastructure will enable efficient management of the ventilation network of both mines, lowering the level of methane hazard and increasing air output, which will translate into better climate conditions in the mining areas. It can be said that from now on the mines share a common "lung”,” says Jarosław Rutkowski, director of KWK Budryk.

The work of excavating more than 6,900 meters of workings was carried out by the Budryk mine's own crews and crews from PBSz SA. 

“The implementation of such a complex project required not only advanced technological solutions, but, above all, great commitment and determination of our team. Our crews have demonstrated the highest level of professionalism, precision and efficiency in carrying out this demanding task. The success of this project is the result of hard work and excellent cooperation of all involved, for which I would like to thank the entire team. At the same time, our crews are continuing work on the modernization of the Aniołki shaft, which is another important stage of this strategic investment,” concludes Marcin Mieszczak, president of PBSz.

Thanks to this investment, the Budryk mine will gain the possibility of further development and increasing mining efficiency. This is one of the elements that was included in the Strategic Transformation Plan, which has been implemented at the JSW Group since the end of November 2024. 


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