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Without coking coal, we won't stop climate change

The fundamental role played by coking coal on the road to a green transition was presented by Wojciech Kałuża, Vice-President of the JSW Management Board for Development, during the eighth edition of Congress 590, held in Warsaw.

photo: Jacek Stefaniak

The energy transition and its challenges were among the leading topics of the congress debates. During one of them, speakers reflected on the directions in which the green transition is heading and the effects it will have. This process is starting in the mines of Jastrzębska Spółka Węglowa, stressed Wojciech Kałuża, deputy JSW Vice-President, who participated in the discussion.

- The burden of the energy transition rests on the shoulders of JSW's miners. Without coking coal, it is impossible to effectively fight climate change - said Wojciech Kałuża. - The new and current technologies that are creating the entire green energy segment require equipment made of steel, and we can't smelt steel without the coking coal mined in JSW's mines - added Wojciech Kałuża.

In his opinion, JSW is already an active participant in the energy transition. The issue is not only related to the production profile, which concerns a raw material of strategic importance to the EU economy.

- Not only do we mine coking coal, but we make every effort to ensure that the process is executed with respect for the environment. This follows directly from the provisions of the JSW Group's Environmental Strategy, which aims to achieve climate neutrality by 2050 - the JSW Vice-President stressed.

Among the most important initiatives are projects aimed at reducing direct emissions, mainly of methane, by maximizing its commercial utilization, modernizing air-conditioning systems for underground workings and improving the energy efficiency of production processes.

Congress 590 is an economic event, held annually since 2016 under the honorary patronage of the President of Poland. Dozens of panels discuss the most important topics in the areas of economy, security, science and culture. The name of the event - Congress 590 - refers to the prefix of the barcode, which is usually used to mark goods manufactured in Poland.

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