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[Translate to English:] Prizes for the best students

For the first time, Jastrzębska Spółka Węglowa awarded special scholarships to the best students of mining schools. The prizes were presented by Robert Małłek, acting President of the JSW Management Board, and Artur Wojtków, JSW’s Vice-President for Employment and…

Competition resolved

We know the results of the student competition for the architectural concept for adaptation of the KWK Knurów–Szczygłowice buildings by the Foch shaft in Knurów. The first place and the 10 thousand zloty prize went to Katarzyna Kotulska and Justyna Chowaniec, fifth-year…

Letter from the JSW S.A Management Board to the staff

Ladies and Gentlemen, Dear Employees of Jastrzębska Spółka Węglowa, On June 11th, the JSW Supervisory Board adopted a resolution to dismiss Mr. Daniel Ozon from the position of the President of the JSW Management Board. At the same time, Mr. Robert Małłek was entrusted…

Contract for the construction of a power unit at the Radlin Coking Plant signed

On 12 June this year in Radlin, JSW KOKS S.A. (JSW Group) signed a contract with RAFAKO S.A. for the construction of a co-generation power unit with the capacity of 28 MWe and 37 MWt, fired by coke oven gas.

Press release of the Supervisory Board Chairperson on the dismissal of the President of the JSW S.A. Management Board

The Jastrzębska Spółka Węglowa Supervisory Board dismissed Mr. Daniel Ozon from the position of the President of the JSW Management Board as of 11 June 2019.

Changes to the composition of the JSW S.A. Management Board

On June 11th, the Supervisory Board of Jastrzębska Spółka Węglowa adopted a resolution to dismiss from the JSW Management Board Mr. Daniel Ozon serving in the capacity of President of the JSW Management Board. At the same time, the JSW Supervisory Board adopted a…

JSW’s modern auditorium at the Silesian University of Technology

JSW tightens cooperation with the Silesian University of Technology. JSW Innowacje, a company owned by Jastrzębska Spółka Węglowa, signed a cooperation agreement with the Silesian University of Technology in Gliwice. The agreement concerns preparation of a design and…

Rescue workers from Zofiówka best in JSW

It was a show of strength, speed and agility. Seven mine rescue teams from all the Jastrzębska Spółka Węglowa mines presented their extraordinary skills in the competition for the JSW President’s Cup. The best time was recorded by the Zofiówka Section team, which was…

Dusting in mines

Reduction of diffuse dust pollution in coal preparation plants. This is the subject of the seminar held at the AGH University of Science and Technology on the initiative of Jastrzębska Spółka Węglowa’s Coal Processing and Quality Department.

JSW Group Project Management Academy

Jastrzębska Spółka Węglowa in line with global trends has decided to launch a Project Management Academy in the JSW Group. It is an important stage in the transformation of the JSW Group into a project-based organization.

The Great JSW Picnic

Crowds of residents enjoyed the Great Picnic of Jastrzębska Spółka Węglowa. Entertainment was provided by popular bands: Łzy, Blue Cafe and Golec uOrkiestra. There were also plenty of sports emotions and various attractions for the youngest on the occasion of the…

Children’s Day in the garden of the Prime Minister’s Office

Plenty of attractions and lots of surprises. The Prime Minister’s Office organized a family picnic on the occasion of the Children’s Day. Jastrzębska Spółka Węglowa participated in the preparation of the picnic for the third time.