Production gets off to a strong start 17.05.2018 In Q1 2018 coal production was up by more than 18% compared to the previous quarter. Such high growth results from organizational transformation, new investments and the deployment of innovative solutions to enhance production efficiency Rescue operation concluded 16.05.2018 Two miners were rescued while five have perished. The rescue operation has ended in the Zofiówka Section of the Borynia-Zofiówka-Jastrzębie Mine Cancellation of the Q1 2018 results conference 16.05.2018 The Management Board of Jastrzębska Spółka Węglowa hereby reports that in connection with the announced period of mourning the conference concerning the publication of the JSW Group’s Q1 2018 financial results to be held on 18 May 2018 is cancelled. The rescue workers have found the last miner’s body in the search in the Zofiówka Section 16.05.2018 The miner’s body was trapped under one of the many structures in the H-10 roadway that had been destroyed by the rock burst. The rescue workers will start to transport him to the underground base, and then to the surface. This operation may take several hours. The rescue workers are not slowing their pace 15.05.2018 18 rescue crews are presently working underground. The water on the longwall face has been entirely pumped out, only slurry remains. The rescue workers still have to penetrate the 30-meter-long F-H ventilation tunnel. The eleventh day of the rescue operation 15.05.2018 The rescue workers continue to scrutinize the spots the search dogs identified yesterday. The water has been pumped out of the intersection of the H-10 and H-2 roadways. The rescue workers have penetrated this area to a large extent; however, they have still not found… Search dogs have picked up a trail 14.05.2018 17 rescue crews are presently working underground. Water is still being pumped out of the H-2 and H-10 roadways. We have managed to reduce the water level to such an extent that search dogs could join the operation. The tenth day of the rescue operation in Zofiówka begins 14.05.2018 During the most recent night, the water surface subsided to such an extent that rescue workers wearing specialist, watertight suits were able in part to penetrate a 20 m roadway and the H-2 longwall face. The water on the H-10 and H-2 roadways continues to be 1 to 2… Rescue workers are penetrating the intersection 13.05.2018 The ninth day of the rescue operation is in progress. More than 2,000 rescue workers have taken part since the outset. 24 crews worked underground today Second miner found 13.05.2018 Rescue workers have found the body of the second of three miners being looked for Miner found 12.05.2018 On the eighth day of the rescue operation in the Zofiówka Section the rescue workers found one of the three miners being looked for. He is not showing any signs of life. The rescue workers found his body in the flooded area when pumping out water. The water level is slowly receding 12.05.2018 The mine rescue workers continue to pump out water. The rim of the water surface of the flooded area that appeared as a result of the rock burst is 12 m from the intersection. No headroom is visible, which may testify to extensive deformation of the mining pit at the… Rescue workers are pumping out the water 12.05.2018 During the last hour the level of the water surface has fallen by approximately 15 centimeters. Despite that, the flooded area still prevents us from searching the entire section of the roadway. 19 mine rescue crews are currently working underground 12.05.2018 Mine rescue workers continue to pump water out of the flooded area. The water surface is slowly receding. The effectiveness of this work has fallen on account of the dense sludge in the water. The injured miners are now home 11.05.2018 The two miners injured in the accident on Saturday left the hospital today. The intensive rescue operation continues underground. The microphone in the new borehole is working 11.05.2018 A device was dropped down to the H-10 roadway through the borehole, but it did not register any signals besides the sound of water. Rescue workers are constantly toiling to lower the level of the flooded area. The sixth day of the operation is underway in Zofiówka 11.05.2018 During the night from Thursday to Friday the drillers accurately drilled a second borehole from the round-shaped F tunnel at the 900 m level and connected to the H-10 roadway. This borehole has a diameter of 9.5 cm. The rescue workers are now sinking a cable with a… Sixth day of the search in Zofiówka 10.05.2018 Search and rescue dogs have now been brought into the search operation and they have identified two trails. Rescue workers started to penetrate that spot; however, they have not found any of the missing miners. The search for three miners continues 09.05.2018 Rescue workers are utilizing all the possibilities available to reach the miners trapped in the mining pit. Many firms and institutions have offered to help in the rescue operation. Fifth day of the rescue operation 09.05.2018 650 employees have been involved in the work underground from the beginning of the rescue operation. More than 1,000 people have been involved if the persons in the crisis management team are included. The search for three miners is still underway. Demanding conditions are hindering us from reaching the miners 08.05.2018 Our rescue workers have not yet managed to reach the three trapped miners. Water has appeared in the mining pit. The fourth day of the search begins 08.05.2018 Our rescue workers have still not been able to get to the three miners trapped 900 m underground. The rescue operation is being run in extreme conditions. Tough conditions are delaying the work of the rescue workers 07.05.2018 21 rescue crews are currently taking part in the rescue operation. In total, 42 crews worked during the day. Contact has still not been made with the three trapped miners. Rescue workers are trying to reach the miners 07.05.2018 From this morning rescue workers have searched an area of roughly thirty meters. Nevertheless, specialist search equipment has not detected any signal from the three trapped miners. Nor have any radio transmitters installed in miners’ lamps been found. The rescue operation is in progress. Rescue workers are working relentlessly. 07.05.2018 The rescue operation in the Zofiówka Section is now in day three. Rescue workers continue the search for three miners. The best equipment has been brought to the mine to help reach the injured miners as quickly as possible. The rescue operation continues 06.05.2018 The rescue operation continues in the Zofiówka Section. Three missing miners are the object of the search. Rescue operation in Zofiówka 06.05.2018 The second of the five miners being looked for in the Zofiówka Section who was found by rescue workers in the underground mining pit is dead. The rescue operation is still in progress 06.05.2018 The rescue workers have evacuated the second miner who was trapped between pipes. “He is now being transported on a stretcher to the underground base. At present, he is not giving any signs of life”, advised Daniel Ozon, CEO of JSW. Rescue operation in the Zofiówka Section 06.05.2018 During the rescue operation in the Zofiówka Section one of the five miners being searched for was found. “The miner the rescue workers found underground is dead. He was 38 years old and he had worked in the mining industry for 10 years”, reported Daniel Ozon, CEO of… Rescue operation in the Zofiówka Section in progress 05.05.2018 The search for four miners is still in progress in the Zofiówka Section of the Borynia – Zofiówka – Jastrzębie mine. This is the first time in the history of this mine that such a strong shock wave has occurred. The cause of the rock burst was an autonomous shock wave… 1 Archive