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JSW Group - Partner for the Polish nuclear power

The JSW Group is ready to participate in the process of building nuclear power plants in Poland. JSW SA has a EU critical raw material, which is essential for the production of steel, which, in turn, is necessary for the construction of nuclear power plants.

Eight years of solid cooperation

Artur Wojtków, Vice-President of the JSW Management Board for Employment and Social Policy, Damian Mrowiec, Rybnik County Governor, and Marek Profaska, Rybnik County Deputy Governor, signed an agreement on students' education. The agreement was concluded at the School…

Podcast "This is coal"

Jastrzębska Spółka Węglowa is launching a new project. It will be a podcast series entitled "This is Coal" published on: Spotify, Spreaker and YouTube.

Restrictions in China without impact on JSW’s operations

In connection with the emerging information that restrictions on Chinese steel production projects using coke-based technology will have a negative impact on the operations of the JSW Group, we would like to inform you that the market for the coking coal produced by JSW…

Four new longwalls

In June, four longwalls were put into operation in the mines of Jastrzębska Spółka Węglowa, with reserves of nearly 1.9 million tons of coking coal.

Awards to the best students

Thirty-three students from eight schools received cash prizes for top academic performance. The prizes were handed out at a formal meeting attended by Artur Wojtków Vice-President of the JSW Management Board for Employment and Social Policy, school principals and, of…

Pniówek implements new solutions

Enhanced efficiency coupled with preserving high standards of coking coal quality. A presentation was held in the Coal Preparation Plant in the Pniówek Mine to demonstrate the newly-installed disc filters that are an important part of the ambitious project entailing the…

Jastrzębski Węgiel is a volleyball club with the most media presence

We are proud to announce that Jastrzębski Węgiel, supported by Jastrzębska Spółka Węglowa, has been recognized by Forbes magazine as a volleyball club with the most media coverage in Poland. Congratulations!

Seven years of cooperation with the School Complex No. 2 in Knurów

Representatives of JSW and the Gliwice County decided to continue cooperation on educating students in mining professions and providing them with a guarantee of employment after they leave school. The agreement was signed by Artur Wojtków, Vice-President of the JSW…

JSW redeems some of its certificates

The Management Board of Jastrzębska Spółka Węglowa has decided to reach for the funds saved in the Closed-End Investment Fund (FIZ). They will be used to cover the Company's current operations.