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Aktualności JSW SAThe new Board of JSW

The JSW Supervisory Board at the meeting on May 6 completed the qualification procedure and selected the members of the board of JSW S.A. IX term of office.

Year of falling coal and coke prices

Jastrzębska Spółka Węglowa may treat 2015 as one of the most challenging years in its operating history. The JSW Group closed last year with a net loss of PLN 3,285.2 million, though EBITDA after cleansing it of non-recurring events was up 12.9% over last year to PLN…

Aktualności JSW SAInternet broadcast of the results of the JSW Capital Group for the year 2015

The Management Board of Jastrzębska Spółka Węglowa S.A. has the pleasure of inviting you to watch the Internet broadcast of the financial results of the JSW Capital Group for the year 2015 which will take place on 29 April 2016

The workers have chosen

On March 17 employees of JSW S.A. elected their representative for the Management Board of the company. As result of the elections held in all JSW works, Artur Wojtków re-enters the composition of the Management Board of IX term.

The meeting of Minister and unionists

On Friday, March 4, at the JSW headquarters energy minister Krzysztof Tchórzewski held a meeting with trade unions representatives and the management board of JSW.

In Q4 2015, JSW continued the restructuring process

In Q4 2015, Jastrzębska Spółka Węglowa produced more coal than in the preceding quarter and it posted higher revenues. Despite the continuing declines in coal prices, the Company maintained its selling prices to customers at levels slightly higher than benchmark prices.…

The New Winding machine at Budryk mine

A modern winding machine was installed at the shaft I in Budryk mine. It will operate in the mining skip shaft, in a the southern range of the shaft I.

Aktualności JSW SAChanges in the JSW S.A. Management Board

On February 8 the JSW Supervisory Board adopted a resolution on dismissal with immediate result from the Management Board Mr. Aleksander Wardas, acting as Vice-President of the Management Board for Technical Matters. The Supervisory Board did not give the reason of its…

Meeting with the Heads of coal companies

On 3 February 2016 President of the State Mining Authority Mirosław Koziura met the presidents of the management boards of coal companies.

Almost 1.4 billion of taxes and fees

In 2015 JSW S.A. paid almost 1.4 billion of taxes and fees. Through the revenue office the state budget received more than 335 million of personal income tax, corporate income tax and VAT.

The JSW crew is getting smaller.

Significant number of employees left the JSW in 2015. Over the year, employment decreased by 2,041 people - 1,639 working underground and 402 on the surface.

JSW Management Board and the unions has reached an agreement

JSW Management Board and the company’s representative trade unions concluded on January 13 this year agreement on the principles of calculation and the payment date of 14th salary for the year 2015.

A new CEO at the head of JSW

ON December 17, 2015 the JSW Supervisory Board unanimously elected Tomasz Gawlik as CEO of JSW S.A. VIII term.

Apostolic Nuncio in Poland visited the Jas–Mos Site miners

Archbishop Celestino Migliore, the papal nuncio together with the Archbishop of Katowice Wiktor Skworc visited the crew of Borynia- Zofiówka – Jastrzębie mine, Jas-Mos Site in Jastrzębie-Zdrój.

Foreman Zone inspires and serves as a model for others

Launched at JSW in January 2014 the first training and educational platform website in Polish mining "Foreman Zone and more" attracts unwavering interest not only among the company's employees, but also institutions and universities.

Occupational Health and Safety Competition settled

The final of the sixth edition of the competition in the field of knowledge of the rules and safety regulations for the Cup of the President of JSW took place on Friday, November 6.

In Q3 JSW sees the first effects of its restructuring efforts

Despite the persisting significant decline in global coking coal and steam coal prices Jastrzębska Spółka Węglowa has not abandoned its efforts to enhance performance. The Company commanded coal sales prices from its clients above the pertinent benchmarks. Production…

Aktualności JSW SAInternet broadcast of the results of the JSW Capital Group for the period of 9 months & third quarter of 2015

The Management Board of Jastrzębska Spółka Węglowa S.A. has the pleasure of inviting you to watch the Internet broadcast of the financial results of the JSW Capital Group for the third quarter & 9 months of 2015 which will take place on 13 November 2015.

Aktualności JSW SAStatement on the election of JSW Board members

On October 20, 2015 the Supervisory Board of JSW S.A. completed the qualification process for the position of CEO without selecting a candidate.

Former employees of JSW will not receive the coal equivalent

Given the very difficult economic situation, JSW S.A. acting to prevent its bankruptcy, and thus depriving the crew of jobs, has decided that since 2015 the coal equivalent for pensioners will not be paid.

Aktualności JSW SAIt is a historic agreement!

Today, that is on Wednesday, 16 September 2015, the JSW Management Board and representative trade union organizations operating in JSW namely: Zakładowa Organizacja Koordynacyjna NSZZ Solidarność JSW S.A., Związek Zawodowy Kadra Pracowników JSW S.A. and Federacja…

Aktualności JSW SAChief Accountant Coordinator of the Economic Division

In connection with the resignation submitted on September 7th by Robert Kozlowski from the position of the Vice - President of the Management Board for Financial Matters at JSW SA, Dariusz Bernacki, the Chief Accountant of JSW S.A., was made responsible for economic…

Aktualności JSW SAJSW in the course of arrangements

In relation to information concerning the use of a "put option" by ING on the amount of approx. 75 million PLN (PLN 26,260,000 and US $ 12,950,000 plus accrued interest), the Company announces that the "put option" mentioned in the report may be exercised by ING Bank…

Aktualności JSW SAResignation of the Management Board Member

The Management Board of JSW SA hereby informs that on September 7th this year, Mr. Robert Kozłowski resigned from his position as Vice-President for Financial Matters at JSW .

Aktualności JSW SAChanges in the JSW Management Board

On September 3rd CEO of JSW Edward Szlęk resigned from his position for health reasons. The Supervisory Board accepted his resignation. Edward Szlęk held the position of President of the listed company since 27 April this year, he was previously CEO of JSW Koks, part of…

Aktualności JSW SAJSW reports higher revenues and lower expenses in H1 2015

The global coking coal market did not reach a turning point in the first half of 2015 as prices continued to fall. Coke prices were also lower than in previous periods. JSW’s response to these unfavorable market conditions entailed cutting unit costs further by ramping…

Aktualności JSW SAInternet broadcast of the results of the JSW Capital Group for the second quarter & first half of 2015

The Management Board of Jastrzębska Spółka Węglowa S.A. has the pleasure of inviting you to watch the Internet broadcast of the financial results of the JSW Capital Group for the second quarter & first half of 2015 which will take place on 28 August 2015.

Aktualności JSW SAExtension of the Management Board of JSW

The Supervisory Board of JSW at a meeting on August 18 delegated Józef Myrczek, Chairman of the Supervisory Board to temporarily perform the duties of Vice – President of the Management Board of JSW for Strategy.

The pioneers from Pniówek

23 meters ... that is the actual depth of the reservoir built on the level - 830 in Pniówek coal mine. It would not be something unusual, for the mine already has one underground reservoir, but it is the construction that makes the difference. This time the roadheader…

Mining in line with the set plan

In the first half of this year JSW mines produced 7.7 million tons of coal, including 5.4 million tons of coking coal and 2.3 million tons of coal for energy purposes.

JSW closer to energy self-sufficiency

JSW already has 160 MW of electricity generated by its own power sources based on coke oven gas and methane.115 MW is generated by power units and 45 MW by gas engines using gas from coal mine methane drainage. These powers enable the production of more than 1 TWh of…

Budryk has the deepest shaft in Poland

In Budryk, belonging to JSW , the shaft deepening has been completed. The shaft has been deepened by 286 meters and now its depth is 1320 meters. - This is probably the deepest shaft in the Polish mining industry - says Jan Płaczek, Head of Production Planning,…

Mining on Saturday - only in the most cost-effective walls

JSW conducted analysis related to the launch of extraction on Saturdays in the best walls. The aim is one - to increase coking coal output.

This year alone 1700 people will leave JSW

Within six months the headcount at JSW has decreased by 1,200 people, and by the end of the year should decrease by over 500 people more.

JSW - sales in one hand

Since July 1 selling brand-name products of JSW capital group, namely coal, coke and coal derivatives is conducted by a subsidiary Polski Koks S.A., which acts in the name and on behalf of JSW.

Employees can participate in the creation of the savings program

These are employees who know best how to improve the functioning of the company, or where to save. This is the assumption of originators of the Employee Suggestion Program, which attracts unwavering interest among JSW employees.

Aktualności JSW SAJSW does not lay off its employees

In view of the false information appearing in the media we inform that JSW does not lay off its employees and does not intend to.

Aktualności JSW SAThe Dismissal of a Supervisory Board Member

The Management Board of JSW S.A. announces that on 9 July this year the Supervisory Board of JSW S.A. dismissed from the Management Board of JSW Mr. Jerzy Borecki, acting as Vice-President for Technical Matters.

Aktualności JSW SAJSW simplifies organizational structure

Organizational scheme of JSW Management Office has changed since 1 July 2015. The changes are designed to simplify and streamline the management of JSW and the whole Capital Group.

Mining in the "Knurów - Szczygłowice" back to normal

Coal mining in belonging to JSW coal mine "Knurów-Szczyglowice" is gradually returning to normal. On Friday, June 26 extraction of the wall XV in the 405/1 seam started. Its production capacity is estimated at almost 4,000 tons of coal per day. And most importantly, it…